Outrage Overload Newsletter
Outrage Science Bites
NaPodPoMo Day 27: 2024 Election - The Existential Threat of the Other Side

NaPodPoMo Day 27: 2024 Election - The Existential Threat of the Other Side

The Boiling Point of American Democracy

In this episode of Outrage Science Bites, host David Beckemeyer explores the dangers of political sectarianism and the belief that the other side poses an existential threat to democracy. He discusses a recent Brookings Institution study that found that a majority of Americans believe that the future of democracy is at stake in the 2024 presidential election. He also examines how this belief can lead to violence, as evidenced by the January 6th Capitol attack. Beckemeyer argues that we need to step back from the fears and weigh out the actual likelihood of our worst fears coming true. He emphasizes that our democracy depends on our ability to listen, compromise, and find solutions that work for all Americans.

Key Takeaways:

  • Political sectarianism is the state of our political polarization, which is characterized by how the two sides dislike and distrust each other.

  • A recent Brookings Institution study found that a majority of Americans believe that the future of democracy is at stake in the 2024 presidential election.

  • This belief can lead to violence, as evidenced by the January 6th Capitol attack.

  • We need to step back from the fears and weigh out the actual likelihood of our worst fears coming true.

  • Our democracy depends on our ability to listen, compromise, and find solutions that work for all Americans.

Additional Resources:

Call to Action:

If you are concerned about the state of democracy in the United States, please encourage your friends and family to vote in the 2024 election. You can also contact your elected representatives and urge them to work together to find solutions to the challenges facing our country.

About the Podcast:

Outrage Science Bites is the companion podcast to the Outrage Overload podcast. It is a daily podcast that explores the science behind outrage and how it affects our lives.

Discussion about this podcast

Outrage Overload Newsletter
Outrage Science Bites
I’m publishing one podcast episode per day in the month of November 2023 as part of a challenge called NaPodPoMo. It stands for National Podcast Post Month. November is National Podcast Post Month, and the goal of the challenge is 30 podcast episodes in 30 days. These will be bite-sized episodes related to the Outrage Overload podcast, on various topics, such as describing scientific phenomena discussed on the show.