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What's Up With School Board Shenanigans?- 10/20/2024
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What's Up With School Board Shenanigans?- 10/20/2024

Michael Flynn deep dive analysis, swastika flags at Trump boat parade, high stakes in school board politics, and more

This week, Lisa and David talk about the new “The Apprentice” movie (beware spoilers); Trump rally supporters get stranded; Trump as “the father of IVF”; Trump and Biden’s eight circles; high stakes school board politics; swastika flags at Trump boat parade; questioning Obama's influence on Harris campaign; why does Russia need North Korea’s help in Ukraine; and more.

The big followup topic this week is all about Michal Flynn, who he is, what he is about, ad how he is a danger to the U.S.

Michael Flynn

Some of the main national security threats and threats to democracy associated with Michael Flynn include (with citations):

Undermining Democratic Institutions

  1. Flynn has called for a military coup against the U.S. government, similar to what happened in Myanmar, advocating for the military to seize power and overthrow the democratically elected government[1].

  2. He has been a key figure in promoting baseless conspiracy theories about election fraud and the "Big Lie" that the 2020 election was stolen, which has led to voter suppression laws and eroded trust in democratic processes[1][2].

Spreading Misinformation and Conspiracy Theories

  1. Flynn sees conspiracies in many aspects of American life, repeating falsehoods about groups like Black Lives Matter and claiming that "globalists" created COVID-19[2].

  2. He has promoted the idea that there are 75 members of the Socialist Party in Congress and that the left is trying to destroy the country[2].

  3. Flynn continues to assert, without evidence, that elections can't be trusted[2].

Undermining Government Institutions

  1. Flynn has stated that he doesn't trust the U.S. government or institutions that oversee the rule of law[2].

  2. He has called the media "the No. 1 enemy" and accused it of constantly lying to deceive the public[2].

Promoting Christian Nationalism and Extremism

  1. Flynn has been building a political movement mixing conspiracy theories with Christian nationalist ideas[4].

  2. He has described the country as being in the midst of a "spiritual war" and has gone after many institutions and ideas that are pillars of American democracy[2].

Influencing Local Politics and Elections

  1. Flynn has supported like-minded candidates around the country, working with extremist groups like the Proud Boys to influence local politics[2].

  2. He has been involved in well-financed groups advocating for changes to election processes based on false premises of widespread voting fraud[4].

Promoting "Deep State" Conspiracies

Flynn has been associated with promoting the idea of a "deep state" conspiracy against Trump and his allies, suggesting a vast plot by Democratic-allied law enforcement, intelligence agencies, and bureaucratic forces[3].

These activities and ideas promoted by Flynn have been described by experts as posing a significant threat to American democracy and national security[2][3].

Michael Flynn is an expert in networked insurgency from his military background[9]. This expertise makes Flynn particularly dangerous, as he understands how to operate without a traditional organizational structure.

Michael Flynn Associations

David Troy links Elon Musk and Peter Thiel into his analysis of networked insurgency and efforts to undermine democratic institutions. Here are some key points:

Elon Musk and Peter Thiel are part of a larger network of influential figures with a shared worldview, including the "PayPal Mafia"[10].

This suggests that Musk and Thiel are collaborating rather than competing, particularly in relation to Musk's acquisition of Twitter. They are thought to be working towards undermining confidence in the US dollar and potentially causing an economic crisis to destabilize democratic institutions and create an opportunity for them to seize power.


Outrage Overload Podcast

Slurring Trump Rambles Aimlessly About ‘Biden Circles’ (The Wrap via Yahoo News)

Boaters waving swastika flags cause stir at Trump parade (USA Today)

You can listen live online on Yergz Radio Sundays 4:30PM Pacific / 7:30PM Eastern.


[1] https://time.com/6053336/michael-flynn-coup/

[2] https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/former-trump-adviser-michael-flynn-at-the-center-of-new-movement-based-on-conspiracies-and-christian-nationalism

[3] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/17/trump-summit-far-right-sheriffs

[4] https://apnews.com/article/michael-flynn-investigation-takeaways-2b0dc382e1134a1867fb26c7b86fa31f

[5] https://www.dia.mil/Articles/Speeches-and-Testimonies/Article/567081/dia-director-lt-gen-michael-flynn-on-current-and-future-worldwide-threats-testi/

[6] https://www.cnn.com/2021/06/01/politics/what-matters-michael-flynn/index.html

[7] https://www.nbcnews.com/think/opinion/michael-flynn-trump-americas-christian-nationalism-threat-rcna50289

[8] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2022/jun/14/roger-stone-michael-flynn-distorting-christianity-reawaken-america

[9] https://bylinetimes.com/2021/03/02/the-network-the-american-and-russian-moralists-behind-the-january-insurrection/

[10] https://washingtonspectator.org/peter-thiel-and-the-american-apocalypse/

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